Why RCMC Registration?
The RCMC registration serves several purposes.
· Firstly, it authorizes importing or exporting products that fall under the restricted category per the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP).
· Secondly, it is evidence of membership or registration of an exporter with a specific EPC, commodity board, or export development authority.
· Thirdly, it is required to take advantage of concessions provided under the FTP for the import/export of restricted goods.
Eligibility for RCMC Registration Online
or Merchandiser (Merchant)
Before applying for RCMC registration, the exporter or merchandiser must confirm that their business deals with imports and exports. This is one of the key requirements for starting a manufacturing company in India. Additionally, the exporter must prove they have applied for an Import Export Code (IEC) from the authorized authority. The DGFT (Director General of Foreign Trade) regulates the IEC.
Business Main Line Declaration
In the Business Main Line Declaration, the exporter or merchant must specify their primary business line. For instance, if their main business is dealing with coffee and tea products, they need to consult the Tea and Coffee Promotion Board. In case there is no export promotion board or regulatory agency for the commodities dealt with by the exporter, this needs to be mentioned as well.
Benefits of RCMC
Obtaining a Registration Cum Membership Certificate (RCMC) offers several benefits to exporters. Some of these benefits include:
· Access to export promotion schemes and benefits - RCMC is a mandatory requirement for availing export promotion schemes and benefits such as Duty Drawback, Merchandise Export from India Scheme (MEIS), and Market Access Initiative (MAI).
· Facilitation in import and export - RCMC makes it easier for exporters to import or export restricted goods as the certificate validates the exporter's authenticity and products' authenticity.
· Easier customs clearance - RCMC reduces the time and effort required for customs clearance as it proves the exporter's membership with a recognized authority and their compliance with government regulations.
· Enhances credibility - RCMC enhances the credibility of the exporter as it is a testament to their compliance with government regulations and standards.
· Access to market information - RCMC enables exporters to stay updated with the latest market information and developments through export promotion activities and programs organized by Export Promotion Councils and Commodity Boards.

Promotion Councils:
· Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)
· Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC)
· Basic Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Export Promotion Council (CHEMEXCIL)
· Carpet Export Promotion Council (CEPC)
· Chemicals and Allied Products Export Promotion Council (CAPEXIL)
· Council for Leather Exports (CLE)
· Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC)
· Engineering Export Promotion Council (EEPC)
· Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO)
· Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC)
· Handloom Export Promotion Council (HEPC)
· Handicrafts and Handlooms Export Corporation of India (HHEC)
· Indian Oilseeds and Produce Export Promotion Council (IOPEPC)
· Indian Silk Export Promotion Council (ISEPC)
· Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA)
· Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council of India (PHARMEXCIL)
· Plastics Export Promotion Council (PLEXCONCIL)
· Project Exports Promotion Council of India (PEPC)
· Services Export Promotion Council (SEPC)
· Shellac Export Promotion Council (SPEC)
· Sports Goods Export Promotion Council (SGEPC)
· Synthetic and Rayon Textiles Export Promotion Council (SRTEPC)
· Tea Board of India
· Tobacco Board
· Wool and Woollens Export Promotion Council (WWEPC)
· The Coffee Board of India
The Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council (TEXPROCILCommodity
· Coir Board
· Coffee Board
· Rubber Board
· Spices Board
· Tea Board of India
· Tobacco Board
· Electronics Industries Development of India (ELCID)
· National Centre for Trade Information (NCTI)
If an export product is not covered by any Export Promotion Council or Commodity Board, the exporter can obtain the RCMC from the Federation of Indian Exporters Organization (FIEO).
If the exporter deals with multi-products and the situation are unresolved, they can also obtain RCMC from FIEO.
For multi-product exporters in the North Eastern States, the RCMC can be obtained from Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council (except for products managed by APEDA, Spices Board, and Tea Board).
For exporters of handicrafts and handloom products from Jammu & Kashmir, the Director of Handicrafts, Government of Jammu & Kashmir, is authorized to issue the RCMC.
Validity of RCMC
The RCMC remains valid starting from the issuance date on the 1st of April of the licensing year and is valid for five years, concluding on the 31st of March.
Documents Required for RCMC
The application form for RCMC must be accompanied by several mandatory documents, including:
· An IEC number issued by the regional licensing authority
· A Permanent Account Number (PAN) granted by the competent authority
· The Memorandum of Association (MOA) for corporate, institutional, private limited, or limited companies
· A self-certified copy of the partnership deed for partnership companies and individuals
· The trust deed for trusts, institutional or corporate entities
· A certificate from the Registrar of Companies regarding the registered office change of the company
· Certified data on the company's foreign exchange earnings over the past three years, provided by the company's chartered accountant
· A board resolution or power of attorney issued in favor of the signing authority, if the name of the signing authority is not mentioned in the IEC/MOA/partnership deed/trust deed of the company/firm/trust
· A GST registration certificate.